North DFW Real Producers Magazine

We are proud to partner with North DFW Real Producers! We are so excited to be featured in the magazine and look forward to developing a great partnership and friendship!


4 years ago Real Producers Magazine was a just a cool idea. Now we are in over 50 markets across the United States and expanding like wildfire! North DFW Real Producers being one of our most recent markets.

What is it? Who is it for? What value does it provide me and my business?

We are telling the stories of the top 500 real estate agents within North Dallas Fort Worth. In just North DFW alone, there are ~20,000 real estate agents. Yes, that is right. 20,000. Of that, the top 500 agents are doing over 80% of all the business. These are the agents who make the market what it is. They take this job seriously and they are doing it at an extremely high level. We have a tremendous amount of respect for these agents. If you heard real estate was easy, you heard from an ill-advised source. Just ask one of our agents - they will set you straight!

The mission of Real Producers is simple. We strive to inform and inspire the top producing real estate agents in the local market and connect them socially. The secondary focus is to provide an avenue for our affiliate partners to create relationships with these top performers on a level that they might not be able to achieve on their own.


VBS Team Event 2019


Motivation Monday: Throw Kindness Around Like Confetti