VBS Team Event 2019

In February 2019, our team came together in Dallas for a team building DISC Assessment exercise with the G.O.A.T - Eric Thomas! He takes the DISC assessment to a different level with the Animal Assessment and taught us how to communicate effectively with each other and any personality we come across. This day will be in the history books!

I knew my team was amazing but they all look like superheroes to me now, all with a combination of powers that I lack and powers the company so desperately needs to reach the next level. I anticipated that they would enjoy this experience but EVERY SINGLE PERSON has contacted me after and said, "this changed my life." To hear that from one person puts me on a natural high to hear that from each team member has transcended my spirit. - Tiffany Haynes, Owner (VBS Real Estate)

I cannot say enough good things about the Assessment Review that Eric and his team did for our business. From the review via phone call, prior to the event, to the team building session, it was informative, personable, and motivating. The assessment was spot on in capturing my true personality, preferences, and adaptive style. It helped me to see a birds-eye-view on how I react to different situations, manage stress, deal with other personalities, parent, work in business, and on a personal level. On the day of the event, Eric and his team were able to break down the different animals in a way that helped our team be able to understand one another better. We were able to look at how our team was functioning and see ways in which we could improve, what we were doing right, and how we can continue to work together most efficiently in order to propel the business forward for success. It was a great day! I would highly recommend having ET and his team come and do the same event for your business/team! - Tristan Skiles, COO (VBS Real Estate)

The event was packed full of insightful information. Gaining better insight into myself, my preferred method of communication, as well as my triggers, has been helpful not only at work but at home too. It was extremely beneficial to also gain insight into how others think and prefer to be communicated with and how they might react in different situations. One of my most impactful takeaways was learning how to adapt without compromising my true self! - Angela Williams, Listing Coordinating Manager (VBS Real Estate)

The whole day was amazing! Starting with the test, I found out I am not the animal I expected. After ET and Preach talked to us, they made me realize that how I am and knowing how I react to people and situations is okay. My strengths are an asset, and by knowing my weaknesses, I can now work on them in order to help myself perform better. ET was truly an energetic force! He made things clear and helped our whole team realize we can function on another level! It was simply awesome! - Shelly Labrier, Virtual Assistant (VBS Real Estate)

I had the Privilege of meeting and speaking with Eric Thomas. Little did I know how much it would change my outlook on individuals, work, and my personal life. He explained to me my personality and why I work the way I do, as well as my co-workers. It opened my eyes to what I am better at doing and helped my co-workers see it as well. I now have tasks I LOVE to work on. Not only does that make me happy but also helps my company grow. I feel I can read people much better and see how they work in different environments. Eric has really opened a door for me personally. I see how my husband and children’s personalities are all different and it helps me work things out with them in a different way. Honestly, life and relationships in a workplace and home have been set at ease and much more relaxed. I can’t thank Eric enough for speaking with all of us at our company and helping us grow with each other and ourselves. - Laura Southwell, Virtual Assistant (VBS Real Estate)


Motivation Monday: Find Your Passion


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