Motivation Monday: Throw Kindness Around Like Confetti

10 Easy Ways To Be A Kinder Person

  1. Give away books you have read. Share what you’ve read with someone else who might be interested in reading it for free!

  2. Give more hugs. Apparently humans need 12 hugs a day for growth. Start hugging more!

  3. Send Thank you notes. Not just for special occasions, but for everything!

  4. Pay it forward. The next time you’re in line at a drive-thru or tollbooth, pay for the person behind you, just because!

  5. Be nice to someone you dislike. You gotta kill ’em with kindness, right?

  6. Do what you say you’re going to do. Always keep your word.

  7. Stop complaining. Your positivity will encourage others to do the same.

  8. Buy someone flowers for no reason at all.

  9. Let someone in the checkout line go ahead of you. This is always extra nice when you can tell someone is in a hurry or has kids with them!

  10. Write notes to your loved ones and put them in their jacket pocket, car, suitcase, lunchbox etc.

What are some ways you show kindness? We’d love to hear your tips and ideas!


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