Time is Not Refundable

As we head into Week 6 of quarantine life, it’s easy to want to just sit back and binge watch all the most talked about shows on Netflix. And hey, in this moment, that’s ok!

There are many pressures on us to be busy; there is so much to do, there is the pressure of work, home, family, getting the balance right in our life.

The next job, the next promotion, the next meeting we HAVE to go to, the flight we have to take, the next thing we cannot miss. We get into the busy wheel and it feels like we can’t get off. We feel like we HAVE to, OUGHT to or SHOULD do. There are demands on our time from every angle.

But right now, your intention with your time should be on what you WANT to do. Do you want to have a special lunch date each day with your spouse? Go ahead. Does family movie night happen every night instead of just on Friday nights like is used to? That’s great! You’re creating memories and living life the best way you can right now.

Do you work from home? Then set aside a few hours when you know you can get the work done. Limit distractions and make a list of the most important things that need to be done that day, and get just those done.

The intention is up to you and you shouldn’t feel guilty about how you spend it. Especially in these uncertain times. Because like the quote says, time is not refundable, and you don’t want to waste this time with everyone in the house staring at a screen 24/7.

Let your intentions create your methods, and not the other way around.


Getting into the Right State of Mind


The Comeback is Always Stronger Than the Setback