How To Become The Person You Were Meant To Be
“it’s time to stop apologizing for who you are. it’s time to become who you were made to be.””
From mindbodygreen:
You want to be successful. You know you were put on this earth to contribute to the world in a big way. So you slave away for long hours, sacrifice time with your family and friends, and put all of your energy into helping others.
One day, when you’re successful, it will pay off. One day, you can slow down and relax. One day, you’ll make the contribution you were meant to make.
Except it doesn’t work like that. You’re building your future right now. And every decision you make is setting the boundaries, rules, and habits for what’s to come. So, instead of waiting to reach a milestone before you can build the lifestyle you want, let’s set the right foundation now for future success to grow.
Because happy, healthy people change the world. Burned out people just fuel their egos.
Want to build your successful dream life? Follow these five tips:
1. Start backward.
Have you ever tried to build an IKEA desk without the picture? Expect hours of frustration and mistakes. You can’t build success if you don’t know what it looks like. Decide exactly what success means to you. How much money you make, how many hours you work, how many lives you change, who you ideally work with, who you refuse to work with, where you vacation, how much you exercise, what kind of relationships you have, what kind of food you eat. When you create a clear blueprint of the final picture, you’ll know how to take the steps to get there. Clarity means focus, which means success.
2. Eat, sleep, and breathe success.
Let’s face it — success doesn’t just happen in a vacuum. If you have a toxic relationship, sooner or later that’s going to impact the energy you can put into your job. True success is really about holistically living the life of your dreams, so start with what you can control. Eat, sleep, exercise, and interact the way a successful person would. Decide to remove toxins of any form from your life, and value yourself as if you were born to be successful. Because, truthfully, you were.
3. Be who you are, not who you wish you were.
You were born with a set of inherent skills and passions. For the heck of it, let’s call that a life purpose. But people often get so focused on improving what they’re not good at that they ignore their inherent strengths. You were born this way for a reason. Learn how to rely on your strengths and ask for help on your weaknesses. It will make life more enjoyable and make you remarkably more successful.
4. Know your value.
You believe you were put on this earth for a specific reason. You have the antidote to somebody’s problem. So why are you doubting your self-worth? People are desperate for what you have to offer, and you’re the only person standing in your way. Once you get really clear on exactly what you have to offer and how much it’s worth, it will influence everything from how successful you allow yourself to be, to how much you charge, to how you value your time.
5. Assume this is it.
We never know what the future will hold. You may be the next Oprah, or you might never move from your present state. So be happy with where you are right now. Don’t wait to design the exact relationships, work life, and happiness that you want. Even if you can only start with a simple blog or taking a tiny step toward your goal today, start doing it. Because if you start building the foundation for the life you want now, you’ve already reached success. The rest is just icing on the cake as that mansion starts to grow.
Success is just as much an internal mindset as it is an outward experience. When you realize how much you have to contribute to the world and raise your standards to match that level, the rest will fall into place.
Because success is really about consciously creating your dream life — the life you were born to live. And, when you do that, you’ll truly be living your life purpose.
Just try to stop someone that happy from changing the world. I dare you.