How to Find The Positive in Every Day

With a slight change in attitude, you can start to change the atmosphere around you. Here are a few ways to start: 

  • Do you find yourself worrying too much about things you can’t control? Turn that fear into a call-to-action. Sometimes that thing you fear most is the one thing you need to do to help propel your life forward. Overcome fear with 20 seconds of insane courage, take the first step and watch how your life will change.

  • Prioritize your tasks. Make a to-do list to better organize your day. Start by placing all of the tasks you dread at the top and end your list with the tasks you enjoy. Remember to write down at least 3 steps you can take to bring you closer to accomplishing the goals you've set.

  • Learn from your challenges. What deep lessons can you learn from the struggle you're going through? What can you take from it, good or bad, that will leave you better prepared for what might come your way in the future? In all things, be grateful and have faith.

  • Put a time limit on your pity party. Allocate five minutes to vent your frustrations and then put it behind you. Or write down your worries on a piece of paper, acknowledge they exist, then crumple it up and throw it away. Excessive worrying about things out of your control will just lead to problems that weren't there to begin with. 

  • Focus on the positive. Learn to use positive language. Get lost in the simple blessings of each day. Begin a gratitude journal. Forgive others, which often is a gift to yourself. As you grow in this positive mindset change, you’ll find yourself noticing the good happening around you. Seemingly small things such as love, wisdom and passion will accelerate you toward an abundant life.


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