Motivation Monday: Love Your Business and It Will Love You Back

It's Time to Fall in Love With Your Business Again

By Chelsea Berler

Sometimes, in business, we lose ourselves to the hum of working day after day. It can be hard to get excited when, what should be the joy of operating your business gets turned into just another day at the office. Whether your numbers are up or down, your business is going through growing pains or feeling the sting of an economy that still hasn’t bounced back, it’s important to hold on to the things that influenced your career choice. Why do you do what you do? 

Spark the romance again.

A relationship with your work can be described as rocky at best. There are so many peaks and valleys that we encounter that it can be emotionally draining. However, to be not only successful, but also be fulfilled in the work we do, it is important that we keep the romance going. Remember how it felt the first time you made that paycheck for doing something you’re passionate about? Or what about the butterflies you felt when approaching your first clients?

Seeing how far you’ve come can be a remarkable feeling. Some things have become easier, more fluid while others still seem to get you tripped up. Maybe you’re still not the best at handling criticism or perhaps paying company bills still makes you sweat at the end of the month. It sounds cheesy, but focusing on the positives in your life can be big step towards getting yourself out of a rut.

An attitude of gratitude.

How grateful are you for your job? Whether you own your own business or work for someone else, we can forget to be thankful for what and who we have around us. Even when I don’t feel like I am in the most “giving” mood, I try to say thank you to the people around me who work to make my life easier. I have come to find that the more I say “thank you,” the more I mean it. Those people who receive a thank you are likely to pay it forward to their co-workers and the other people in their lives who may need a pat on the back.

I would challenge you to wake up in the morning with a mindset that says, “Today, I will be grateful.” Believe it or not, this is a choice that you can make. Only you can dictate how you spend your day. And why would you want to waste it feeling unsatisfied and frustrated? Talk about a poor use of energy.

Anchor yourself.

Sure, life (whether in or out of business) can get a bit crazy both in a good or bad way. But, making sure that your heart it anchored to the right things is the only way you can survive the storms that life may throw at you. What matters to you most? Who matters to you? Keep these things and especially these people close to you. Because, no matter how far off course you feel like you’ve gotten over the years, you will always have them to pull you back in and set you back to right.


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