Monday Motivation: Stop Making Excuses

From mindbodygreen

7 Tips To Stop Making Excuses

About Why You're Not Succeeding

Excuses can be pretty powerful. They can hold us back and leave us in a cycle of procrastination. They are that inner voice within that tells us we're not good enough, worthy enough, capable enough — the list of inadequacy goes on. All of this negative self-talk gets us nowhere. It keeps us paralyzed in our fears.

We are all capable of getting the results we want, but results and excuses can't coexist. To get the results you want, you have to ditch the excuses. Invalidating our calling and our purpose leads to the excuses piling up one after the other.

So here are seven ways to stop making excuses today:

1. Make a list of your fears.

Do you let your fears run the show? Do they keep you in a cycle of excuse after excuse? Write them all down today. Create a list. Look at the fears and read them aloud to yourself. Seeing them on paper diminishes their value.

2. Write down what you're doing in response to these fears.

After writing down each of your fears, write down what you are doing in response to each of these fears. Know that you cannot fail; by showing up and being the best version of yourself, you have not failed. The mind can play tricks on you, making you live in response to your fears.

3. Decide on five concrete goals.

Put these five goals on paper. Look at them. Start to manifest them. Start to believe you can make them become a part of your life.

4. For each goal, come up with three action steps to help make them a reality.

Create an action plan for yourself. This is what it all comes down to: ACTION. You can understand something intellectually, but it's a matter of bringing that down into the heart and taking the steps to make these goals and results your reality.

5. Create a one-day plan.

Start small. Think about what you can do today to make the results you want part of your reality. Maybe it's talking with a friend about what it is you truly want. Maybe it's journaling about what inspires you, lights the fire inside, and brings about a sense of purpose and passion.

6. Tell someone about your plan.

Accountability is everything. Knowing that you're not alone and that someone else is there on the journey with you is empowering. Tell a friend or family member about this plan. Start working with a professional to bring your ideas and visions to life. Remember, you can't do it all alone and the more love you let in, the more love you let out, and thus the more results you'll see.

7. Truly embrace compassion.

These changes all start with this one word: compassion. Without compassion, you're stuck in a cycle of fear and excuses. Compassion allows the love to flow through. It allows you to show up, be authentic, and create the life you want for yourself. You can be your own worst enemy and critic. Talk to yourself like you would talk to a loving friend or family member. Take in the fact that you have a choice each and every moment. Align this choice with the results you want for yourself.


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