Did You Know? E-Newsletters Work!

You can’t be everything to everyone that you’re trying to touch, and you have to have some type of an umbrella that takes that burden off of you because you’re realtors trying to run a business, not email marketers. You’re not social media gurus. You’re realtors with valuable time, and you need to be concentrating on other aspects of your real estate business.

E-Newsletters give businesses the opportunity to regularly communicate with customers and leads who have expressed interest in their company, making them a very warm audience. So what are the benefits of E-newsletters?

  1. Email is a Preferred Method of Communication. Today, email is one of the most popular forms of communication. By sending marketing materials to an email address, you ensure that you deliver your communications to a platform where your audience is nearly guaranteed to be spending time. In fact, 93 percent of internet users have indicated that they'd rather receive brand information in their email inbox versus their social media feed. So, by using email newsletters, you're ensuring that you're reaching people where they actually want to be reached online.

  2. Newsletters Help You Narrow Your List of Quality Leads. If someone signs up for your email newsletter, they've expressed an interest in your company - and have in turn become a lead. Once they begin to receive your newsletter, they may decide they are even more interested in doing business with you or that they no longer want to receive your communications. Email newsletters give consumers the ability to easily opt out of your list, which means that you can weed out the people who actually are not viable sales leads - and focus on the people who are still interested in becoming your customer.

  3. You Can Brand Yourself. Email newsletters are a great opportunity for a company to provide valuable, practical information and to show off what they know. For that reason, email newsletters can help you prove that you are a leader in your industry and a company that is worth doing business with.

  4. They Help You Stay at the Forefront of Customers' Minds. If you have a regular email newsletter, you can continuously remind current and potential customers that you exist. Many consumers get busy and forget about a company they're interested in without meaning to divert their attention. A regular email newsletter is a simple reminder that you're there and that you have a service or product to provide.

  5. You Can Schedule Them In Advance. Like all facets of your business, when it comes to marketing, time is money. Luckily, an email newsletter can be crafted in advance, then scheduled and sent out automatically by using marketing automation software. By automating your marketing messages, you can free up time to work on other parts of your business, and also ensure that you are sending out the newsletter at the optimal time of day.

  6. The ROI of Email Newsletters. With a low cost of operation to supplement all the benefits listed above, it’s no surprise that email newsletters generate a strong return on investment. In fact, a recent survey of marketers showed that email marketing was the most successful channel for digital marketing, especially when it comes to ROI. Sixty-eight percent of marketers surveyed reported that their ROI for email marketing was either "good" or "excellent." email marketing tactics had a median ROI of 122 percent. This means that email marketing pays off more than many other marketing techniques, including social media, direct mail and even paid search.

Email newsletters are a simple, convenient digital marketing technique, which can be helpful for a busy marketing team. You can use email newsletters to easily reach customers where they spend time - and not only can you provide value to them, you can also maintain them as a long-term customer.

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