Be Inspired, Not Intimidated

Most people often assume that the road to success is a simple and straightforward one. The reality is that it almost always involves periods of uncertainty and challenges that will test us. For us to successfully navigate through this tricky terrain, it is critically important to learn how to manage feelings of any self-doubt and insecurities that may crop up along the way.

Too often, we allow the voices of our insecurities to prevent us from moving forward in our dreams because we are afraid of failing. We measure our performance with a yardstick that measures our worth based on our popularity and financial gain.

The truth is that if you want to stand out of the herd, you need a strong foundation of self confidence which necessitates the need to keep your insecurities and feelings of inadequacies in check.

Here is a 4 step process to help manage your internal terrain while working towards a goal:

  1. Clarify your intention: Ask yourself, “What is my message? What is my intention in sharing my skills/product/talent? What outcome do I really want to achieve? Who do I want to become in the process? Why is this important to me?”

  2. Learn from success: Instead of letting others’ success intimidate you, let it become a source of inspiration and learning. Ask yourself, “Who are the most successful people in my field? What can I learn from them? What were the steps that they took to become a success? Which steps can I replicate in own my journey?”

  3. Do a SWOT analysis: This is one of the best frameworks to use when it comes to analyzing yourself and trying to find a way to differentiate yourself from your competitors.

  4. Manage your gremlins during the process: There may be times when you will feel your insecurities crop up. During these times, it is helpful to engage in “motivation-boosting rituals” such as glancing at your Dream Board, using visualization techniques, repeating affirmations that inspire you, and listening to motivational music.

In this way, you can stay objective while you create your action plan. The key is to not let your insecurities, often triggered by others’ success, fog your mind and prevent you from seeing your potential for your own unique path.

If you stay strong and focus on the big picture, you will gradually reach your desired destination, and along the way, you will realize that the real pot of gold lies behind the rainbow of love, self-expression, and contribution.



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