Q & A: How Can I Convert Online Leads into Clients?

Real Estate Virtual Assistant | Tiffany Haynes | VBS Real Estate | Transaction Coordinator | Listing Coordinator | Marketing | Texas | Dallas | Houston

A helpful resource by ITALINA KIRKNIS

So you have an online lead. Now what?

Once you receive a response to one of your online campaigns, you might find yourself on a slippery slope when it comes to responding and monetizing. The strategy below has worked successfully for my clients and me.

Take it offline

Once you come across someone who wants to talk real estate, take it offline. Instead of staying behind the computer and chatting online forever, move the conversation and the relationship forward.

Do this by switching to a phone conversation and then, ultimately, a face-to-face conversation. As soon as the prospect or referral source has expressed interest, say something like, “Great, let’s set up a quick phone call! What’s the best number to reach you?”

Starting on the phone is less of a commitment than asking your prospect to take the time to meet you face-to-face. Yet, it still allows you to step away from less personal forms of communication and helps the individual bond with you further.

This also allows you to establish yourself as more than just a faceless avatar on the computer. Set yourself apart and be someone your leads can connect with and be loyal to.

Set expectations

Now that you’ve hit it off over the phone, three things can happen:

  1. Prospects will be more amenable to the idea of meeting you face-to-face. Once you hit it off with them, you give them the chance to get a better feel for who you are and how you operate. You’re no longer some stranger, some real estate agent, some head in the computer.
  2. You now have a better idea as to whether you should invest time in meeting prospects face-to-face or not. During your phone conversation, you’ll be able to better qualify your prospects and see where they are in the real estate process.
  3. You’ll be more prepared for face-to-face meetings. Because you have a better understanding of where they are in the real estate process, you know what you should bring and what you should be prepared to discuss.

Go for face time over texting

If you’re not able to get in touch with a prospect over the phone, setting up a face-to-face meeting is highly unlikely. I know you’re thinking the next logical step is to text them, but I have something better in mind:

Use your cell phone to create a quick video for them. Record yourself saying something like, “Hi, Sara! John here — I’m so sorry we keep missing each other. Please forgive me if I’ve made it difficult for you to get a hold of me. Tell you what … just let me know you saw this video and that you accept my apology.”

Then text the video.

Although you know you weren’t the one who was difficult to get a hold of, placing the blame on yourself takes the pressure off your prospects and might even cause them to feel sorry.


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