Q & A: How Can I Use Video to Build My Brand?

Real Estate Virtual Assistant | Tiffany Haynes | VBS Real Estate | Transaction Coordinator | Listing Coordinator | Marketing | Texas | Dallas | Houston

Social media changes every day. What was once a few outlets used to connect with friends and family has turned into a mass industry capable of growing business, developing client relationships and taking your brand to the next level.

If you’re not taking advantage of new features and updates to help maximize your brand, you should be. While every post should have a visual—videos are engaging—allow your social media to come to life and are favored by social media algorithms. From law firms to real estate developments and financial instructions, the benefits of using video as a part of your online branding are limitless.

Prove Your Expertise

If you can prove that you are an expert in your practice area, potential clients are more likely to pick up the phone for a consultation. Video is huge. While a blog is great for sharing information about your firm, industry and expertise, video is a chance to show the public your personality and what you’re all about. A video providing tips on finding the right lawyer, when clients should get a lawyer versus what they can handle on their own, or how to prepare for court are simple topics any attorney can comment on that will help reel in potential clients.

Go Live

Facebook Live that is. According to Facebook, users spend three times more time watching live videos than traditional ones. This is particularly beneficial for real estate developments. Take your audience on-site. Whether you want to share what’s happening at your broker events, ground breakings and grand openings, give tours of your projects, interview key team members or give an update from a construction site, Facebook Live gives a behind-the-scenes look and an opportunity for your audience to feel like they’re connecting with you in real time.

As an admin for your company page, you can schedule a Facebook Live ahead of time so viewers will know when to tune in. Facebook will also send out a reminder letting them know you’re about to start your broadcast. Any video that you record live will stay on your feed for people to watch, share and comment on later. It is a great way to involve people who could not attend your event personally. Remember, people from around the world can access your page. Be sure to use hashtags so potential buyers can find you.

Keep in mind you’ll need good sound, good lighting and a good internet connection. There is nothing more frustrating than watching a blurry, choppy video that keeps pausing. Invest in a microphone, especially on construction sites, where loud noises can occur at any moment and drown out the speaker. You don’t want your audience to miss anything.

Going live can make people nervous. You only have one shot, after all. Make sure whoever you have on camera has a likeable personality. They need to be able to multi-task, making sure to comment and engage with the audience. Facebook Live allows people to comment in real-time, so be prepared to answer any questions they might have, including opening date, number of units, prices, and amenities. End by telling people when they can tune in next for more.

Time lapse videos are, well, time consuming, but they show progress from beginning to end and are always a crowd favorite. Set up a camera and film your construction site over the course of a few hours for demolitions, and over the course of a few weeks for building. It shows potential buyers that your team is busy working to bring them their new home. Drone video is becoming popular for construction sites as well. This provides a unique aerial view that you can’t get from the ground.

Banks, insurance companies and other financial institutions are not exempt from making a name for themselves on social media platforms. Companies in these industries too, can make videos providing tips on how to file a claim, which documents clients will need to file taxes to speed up the process, or an over view of the different services you offer. When reading something on paper, the message can get lost. A video with a simple explanation can smooth the process. According to Forbes, over 500 million people watch video on Facebook daily. With numbers like this, you’ll definitely want to take advantage if you aren’t already.

The digital world is shifting. Videos make it easier to transmit information. Posting updates without a visual just isn’t effective anymore. No one wants to read a page of block text. Use this shift to tell a story. Consider producing a series of videos as opposed to a one and done. This is a great way to follow up and tease the new video by sharing a previous episode.

With this in mind, remember, more is not always better. Make sure to keep your videos short and to the point. You have about two minutes to get your message across before your audience will lose interest. From there, you’ll want to make sure that you share your videos on all of your channels, and the channels of everyone at your company to maximize your reach. Include a link to the video in your e-Newsletters as well, just in case one of your contacts missed it.

Be Innovative

Make yourself stand out. Know your audience and go after them. You have the tools, so don’t be afraid to take a chance. No one takes the top spot following the crowd.


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