Tip of the Week: Thrive On Self Motivation

Real Estate Virtual Assistant | Tiffany Haynes | VBS Real Estate | Transaction Coordinator | Listing Coordinator | Marketing | Texas | Dallas | Houston

Write and follow a business plan. Run your desk like a business. You and only you control your success.

Teamwork is an important part of life as a real estate agent. Agents are in constant contact with clients, other agents, lenders, title agents and a litany of other professionals. And while it’s essential to work well on a team, agents must prepare for one harsh reality: The “team” isn’t going to pay your bills.

Agents typically work as independent contractors and are paid by commission. To succeed in this field, agents must be self-motivated.

You can’t expect business to fall in your lap simply because you have a license. Will you make cold calls without being prompted? Are you willing to learn a new skill without it being a requirement? Are you constantly prospecting / networking / researching?

Motivation pumps you up. Real estate is a feast and famine phenomenon. The famine part may be harder to sustain your energy for the feast. But the feast will come if you're primed for it. That is why it is so important to retain your motivation so that you keep on enhancing your skills and so that you, somehow or other, manage to maintain your relish for your work.

Motivated agents are more inclined to go the extra mile for their leads and clients, and the extra mile is always worth it.


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