Q & A: How Can I Keep My Business Resolutions Going All Year?

Real Estate Virtual Assistant | Tiffany Haynes | VBS Real Estate | Transaction Coordinator | Listing Coordinator | Marketing | Texas | Dallas | Houston


As we wake up from the holiday haze, most of us think of some new year resolutions. The sense of renewal seems like powerful fuel for change, and it inspires brave efforts. But sadly, most of the time, these resolutions end up being set aside all too quickly. One of the reasons this happens is that they often don't show immediate results, and take a lot of effort to accomplish. Fortunately, when it comes to real estate, there are some great steps you can take to make sure your marketing strategy works all year: 

1. Find the right tools to give you the right rhythm

For many agents, online marketing seems like a daunting task to tackle. All of the steps needed can seem very scattered and complicated, which is why people get easily tuned off, and miss out on the tremendous benefits for their businesses that a good strategy offers.

Don't miss out! It's best to have an all-in-one marketing solution at your fingertips. This way, you get instant access to a web based online office which is your one-stop control panel for all the tools you need. Starting from this main hub, you can easily deploy and profit from the following tools:

  • A mobile-friendly agent website that you can easily tweak and maintain yourself
  • Individual property websites that showcase your VIP listings and draw more attention
  • Integrated CRM with proven effectiveness when it comes to incubating leads
  • Drip email campaigns that come with templates or that you can customize, to keep your leads engaged and talking about you
  • Advanced advertising options to seriously boost your exposure With these tools at your disposal, you are in control.

When you make your online marketing schedule, start with one hour each day. Learn the ropes, see what works, remember that things take time -- stay on top and don't rush the process. That's one of the best ways to keep a new year resolution fired up each month.

2. Be smart about budgeting and advertising

Agents often have trouble keeping on top of an advertising budget, because sometimes it's difficult to tell whether you're getting the bang you're expecting from your buck. Some advertising options work right away, like a listing ad on a highly trafficked portal. Others are meant to build more slowly, like the visitor count on your website, but the results do appear in due time. When people get these two strategies confused, frustration sets in.

Do better! Be smart and try to use listing ads designed to send your exposure sky high, for a fast result. At the same time, follow good practices and update your site and your blog, for long-term results. Knowing what to expect of both strategies, and working to employ them at the same time is a very good path to success.

Pacing your efforts and planning ahead are the only ways to keep your new year resolutions on track and working for you, not the other way around! Play it smart and efficient, and you won't run out of steam by the middle of the year.

Our Real Estate Virtual Assistants Can Help!

If you need some extra help staying on track throughout the year, we would love to help! We can set up marketing, advertising, social media strategies and more to help make your business a success in 2017. Give us a call today to discuss your options! We look forward to helping you in this new year!


Friday Feature: Social Media


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