Are You Wasting Your Advertising Dollars?

Real Estate Virtual Assistant | Tiffany Haynes | VBS Real Estate | Transaction Coordinator | Listing Coordinator | Marketing | Texas | Dallas | Houston

Let's begin by asking yourself a simple question...Why do you send out 'Just Listed' and 'Just Sold' postcards? The goal is that it is supposed to help you find more leads, get you more listings, help you build your brand, and make your phone ring...right? So why isn't it working? 

The reason it isn't working is most likely because you are ONLY sending a 'Just Listed' or 'Coming Soon' postcard, followed by a 'Just Sold' postcard, then you NEVER send another one to that area again! If you do not continue marketing to that neighborhood, the chances of them remembering you when they are actually ready to make a real estate move are slim to none. "Out of site, out of mind."

With that being said, what do you do now? Should you just stop sending postcards altogether? in short, NO! A better solution is to start with a farm that fits your marketing budget and work that area until you can afford to add more. Your business will grow over time with consistent marketing to your sphere of influence, your past clients, and the right neighborhood to farm.

If you list or sell a house, let the people in YOUR database know! Make sure they know you're active and 'kicking butt" all over town! Those are the people that matter, those are the people who need to remember you with or without a for sale sign in someone's front yard. 

If the home you're listing is not in your target area, it's ok to pass on the postcards. There is no rule saying that you have to send them out. It only makes good sense to do so if you plan to continue to market to the neighborhood where you have the listing to send out postcards. 


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