Q & A: Is It Important to Have A Niche to Market Towards?

Real Estate Virtual Assistant | Tiffany Haynes | VBS Real Estate | Transaction Coordinator | Listing Coordinator | Marketing | Texas | Dallas | Houston

As a real estate agent, you can either try to master the entire universe of real estate, or you can take a more lucrative approach by specializing in a specific niche real estate market and become the leading authority in that particular area. Agents who choose the latter often find that clients flock to them, rather than the other way around.

Having a niche allows one to focus their marketing efforts. Former clients tend to associate with other niche-specific enthusiasts, so if you have one satisfied customer, you'll have 10 referrals waiting. "If you look at society today, it’s all about specialization," says REALTOR.com President Errol Samuelson. "Consumers are trained to look for personalized experiences. It’s why there are 500 cable TV channels instead of everyone tuning into the same network news broadcast every night." Yet the real estate industry doesn’t seem to have embraced specialization as fully as other sectors, Samuelson says.

There are several highly successful realtors and brokers that have narrowed down their marketing field to one key geographical location, client category or property type. It can be an incredibly worthwhile strategy to choose a niche that speaks to you and pursue it wholeheartedly. Here are a few niche real estate markets to consider: http://bit.ly/2gLB5NB

Our Real Estate Virtual Assistants Can Help!

Once you've decided on what your niche is, give us a call! We can help develop your branding, social media, marketing and advertising to target potential clients based on your niche and help establish you as that 'niche' expert! 


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