Q & A: Is It Really Beneficial to Spend Money On Professional Listing Photos for Higher-End Homes?

Real Estate Virtual Assistant | Tiffany Haynes | VBS Real Estate | Transaction Coordinator | Listing Coordinator | Marketing | Texas | Dallas | Houston

The difference between a week on the market and 3 months can be a professional photo shoot away. There are many things that real estate agents can agree upon, and one of these is that most people are finding their new homes via the Internet. It is absolutely essential for any real estate agent to advertise online if the agent wants to be successful. The online presence is probably the most important aspect of realty in the 21st century.

Once you have your website up and running, you need to provide as much information as you can to potential buyers. People are looking at homes and basing their opinions on the things that you write and the pictures they see. The pictures really do so much to make buyers want to see the property, so the best real estate agents hire professional photographers to take these pictures for the website and other forms of marketing.

The biggest difference between hiring a professional photographer and taking the pictures yourself is the fact that the professional knows how to make something ordinary look spectacular. These professionals also have all of the equipment needed to create stunning, high-definition images. They understand how the sizes and colors of objects impact a photograph. Photographers have spent thousands of hours learning how to take the best possible pictures, while real estate agents likely have not done so. Save yourself the heartache and hire a professional, establish a relationship with a local photographer and call the same one every time they will be accommodating and work harder for you if they know you provide consistent work. You will also be presented online as a polished professional if all your past listings have remarkable photos, making it that much easier to get new listings. 

Our Real Estate Virtual Assistants Can Help!

If you need help contacting photographers in your area, or if you would like us to refer you to someone, please give us a call. We would love to help you establish a relationship that is beneficial to you and your business, as well as to the photographer and his or her business.


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