3 Mindset Principles for Success in Real Estate

The professional philosophies you live by are key to making or breaking your real estate business. That’s why it’s so important to develop a productive, powerful mindset—a collection of principles that can lead you to become a confident, capable, and top producing real estate agent.

Here are three principles to remember when it comes to employing mind over matter in the real estate world.

1. Respect Your Real Estate Business Enough to Run It Like a CEO

Just because you are self-employed, doesn’t mean that the pressure is off when it comes to the technical details of managing a real estate business. No CEO worth his or her salt would neglect meaningful tools like a business and marketing plan, spreadsheets to track cash flow and expenses, quarterly profit-and-loss statements, and a thorough plan of attack each fiscal year. These measures may seem daunting at first—and certainly require a disciplined mental shift to tackle—but harnessing their power sets you on the path towards growth and success as a real estate agent.

2. The Horizon Mindset: The Value of Seeing the Big Picture

“When I first taught my daughter how to drive, she clung to the steering wheel and never allowed her eyes to look beyond the few feet of road ahead of her. Unprepared as new objects entered her field of vision, she would overreact and overcompensate, yanking the wheel in fear. To counter that, I advised her to keep her vision trained on the horizon, so that she could see any potential changes long before they arrived.” (This is a direct excerpt from the book I co-authored, M3, written from Marshall Saunders’ perspective.)

3. Be Specific in Your Goals and Vision

There’s little value in envisioning the big picture of your real estate business if the big picture is only a vague, abstract idea of the success you wish to achieve. In order to plan for and work toward a goal, you need to understand exactly what you’re aiming for. Embrace the principle of goal-setting, and make those goals precise—like a specific gross commission income goal, for instance. Once you have established a clear aim for yourself and your business, you can then surmise exactly what you need to do on a daily basis to inch toward that objective. In other words, the work doesn’t stop once you’ve specifically outlined your ambition; you must then do the detail work required to achieve it.

There’s no easy route to becoming a top producing real estate agent or business owner. However, fostering the mindsets illustrated above can provide the framework and discipline needed to succeed. Remember that professional philosophies are valuable, formidable resources that are ready to be used to your advantage as you lead your real estate business to the next level.

Our Real Estate Virtual Assistants Can Help!

When you are ready to tackle your objectives and want a team to help you make your vision come to life, give us a call. We can help you develop a successful marketing plan and make sure your business plans are on the right track to achieve your goals!


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